Monday, April 28, 2008

The Seven Secrets To Home Decorating Success

Isn t it strange that you can go into two identical house both with warm friendly people living there and feel totally welcome and comfortable in one and in the other you can t wait to leave. What is your house saying about you?
What s the difference?
The difference is the way the houses are talking about their occupants. In the first house you enter you have that warn cozy feeling allowing your eyes to roam freely throughout the room.
In the second house nothing flows together. Your eyes are constantly being stopped by an out of place window treatment or "thingie" that just doesn t belong where it s placed. You suddenly realize that your feeling uncomfortable and can t wait to get out of there?
Here is a quick list of decorating secrets that will make your home shout "here lives one awesome family":
Secret 1. Don t Sweat The Cost!
The reason I put "don t sweat the cost" as the first secret is because that s the number one reason I have heard through the years that people don t decorate. It s too expensive!
Two identical houses sit side by side on the same street. The people living in both houses are friendly people the type you would like to get to know better. Enter one house and you feel comfortable and welcome, enter the second and from the moment you enter you feel uncomfortable and on edge. Whats the difference?
That s just a bunch of cow dung. In my thirty plus years of decorating, some of the best decorated homes were the ones that the owners spent hardly any money. Money is not the cure all for awesome decorating.
I have seen far too many homes where they spared no cost and decorated to the hilt. The result was a show place that you couldn t be comfortable in if you cared to try.
Some of the greatest decorating treasures are in your mind - outside of the box - or down the street at the thrift store or "Good Will".
Secret 2. Decorate For Your Family!
Decorating should be meaningful. You want to showcase the talents and hobbies of your family. High lite those activities your family is into by incorporating those sports or activities into you family room decorating. The most important people who will ever be in your home is your family. Flaunt them and show all your visitors and friends what you re about as a family.
Secret 3. Get the Family Involved In the Decorating
When the family is involved in the decorating project you create family memories that will last lifetimes and be talked about at family gatherings for years to come.
When the family is not involved in the decorating they resent the intrusion into their space and will throw little "monkey wrenches" into the project to show their resentment.
Secret 4. Go Style Shopping as a Family!
Puzzled as to what style or theme you want to use? Make it a family fun decision. Go style shopping with your family, ending up in a favorite place for desert or snacks and discuss what your project will look like and say about your family.
Secret 5. Over Spend Not!
You could have the best looking house in the neighborhood but if you over spent on decorating and your family is feeling the pinches for doing so you will resent the beautiful surrounding.
Your resentment will show in how you take care of the room as well as your attitude about the room. This attitude will spill over and your house will lose that warm cozy feeling that is portrayed by those living there.
Secret 6. Keep It Simple!
Have you ever been to a house where it was decorated to such a degree that you felt uncomfortable? You don t know where to sit because you don t want to disturb the starched look. You sure couldn t feel comfortable in your "funkies" in this room. You sit on the end of the chair hoping you don t wrinkle the fabric.
I know you have been to a place like that, so have I, far too many times. You just want to get out of there so you can relax.
Keep it simple and comfortable!
Secret 7. Have Fun with Your Decorating!
Let your humor show through. A couple of pillows with your favorite sayings will liven up a room in short order. If it looks starchy to you it will look 10 times more starchy to your visitors and friends.
Home decorating should be exciting for all the family. What you decorate today you will replace with a new "thingie" tomorrow. Have fun with your decorating. Your humor and good taste will speak volumes about you and your family to visitors and friends.

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